Giacomo Ballari
Giacomo Ballari since 2015 has been president of Agrion, the Foundation for Research, Innovation and Technological Development in Piedmont Agriculture. Since 1999, he has managed the family farms: one with a fruit focus and the other – the main one – dedicated to beekeeping for the production of honey and derivatives that are exported to several European countries. Over the years he has held important roles at the national and European levels: Provincial Delegate of the Coldiretti youth of Cuneo from 1992 to 1996, then National Delegate for one term and President of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) from 2001 to 2007. During these years of commitment to young farmers, he championed policies to support innovation and development in national and European agriculture. An agriculture based on a system of competent enterprises led by young people who make innovation and research one of the pivots on which to build future competitiveness with a strong link to their territories. At the European level, he worked to include a mandatory package of measures for young farmers in rural development policies (Paket of Young Farmer). From 2000 to 2018 he was President of the Consortium for the Enhancement of Direct Sales “Fattoria Amica” in Cuneo. From 2010 to 2014 he was Vice President of the Condifesa Cuneo Consortium. From 2012 to 2017 he was President of the Terramica Piemonte Organic Producers Association. Since 2019 he has been a Member of the Technical Scientific Committee of Agrinnova UNITO. From 2015 to the present, in collaboration with the membership of Agrion Foundation, which includes, in addition to Piedmont Region and Unioncamere as founding members, all agricultural and product organizations as participants, he has worked to develop a support system for overcoming phytosanitary and climatic-environmental criticalities faced by farms. Through the coordination of downstream farm advisory technicians and the strengthening of the working network with leading national and international research poles, he worked on the development of a decision support system, the adoption of new technologies to find sustainable solutions to problems, and to support an ongoing propensity for innovation by companies, particularly for fruit and vegetable, wine, and corilage companies. His sensitivity to environmental issues and production chains have matured in him the awareness that improvement of these aspects passes through concrete tools to companies and an active participation of all local actors. Hence his commitment to the development of territorial systems attentive to the value of biodiversity and a strand of applied research to support the sustainable management of urban green and non-agricultural areas.